Find your health roadblocks

Healthy living is a task that many attempt to master. It’s not a perfect lifestyle, nor will it ever be. Many tend to succumb to the temptations of things that are generally deemed as unhealthy (ex. sugar, refined/processed grains, alcohol,  negative thoughts and actions and etc). The point is that no matter where you are in your journey towards living a healthy lifestyle, remember, no one is perfect, but each day is a step towards perfecting your goals and outcomes. Know that you are not alone and you will never be alone.

If at times your journey is not completely linear and you fall off the path, do NOT get discouraged! Giving up is simply not an option! Just keep moving and learning and chances are that you will begin to inspire and motivate others so that they too will be on their own journey towards health.

Ways to keep your mind focused on the path to health:

  1. Document how you feel after changing some of your lifestyle habits.

By reducing inflammatory foods (soy, grains, corn, peanuts, sugar and alcohol), you will notice an improvement in your energy, sleep, well-being, autoimmune condition, eczema, chronic pain, seasonal and food allergies, digestive function, mood and etc. Learn how to love vegetables and green foods, these will give you the micronutrients and fiber that your body needs to function properly. Don’t like them? Blend them up in a smoothie. The point is to learn how to eat them. They are good for you.

Drink water! I don’t know how some of you are living solely on juice, coffee, milk or soda. Strive for at least 60-75 oz of water a day (ideally, 1/2 your body weight in oz of water). Your body is 90% water and needs water to properly eliminate the daily accumulation of toxins. Have a headache? Constipated? low in energy? Drink your water and notice how you feel afterwards.

2. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals.

One of the best things that you can do for yourself is to surround yourself with motivating individuals who are also on that journey towards a healthy lifestyle. We have heard that “we are the product of our environments”. Carefully consider this, who do we surround ourselves with? Do our friends, co-workers and family members practice a healthy way of living? If you continuously associate with individuals who smoke, drink alcohol, eat processed/fast food continuously, then guess what? They will destroy the progress that you have made and will become a roadblock to your health journey.

3. Set small goals, achieve them, then set new small goals.

Sometimes we can get into the habit of being overly zealous with our goal setting. If you set a goal that is too high chances are you may not reach it. By setting small goals, you are able to achieve them and once achieving them, you are able to set new goals, further increasing your journey towards healthy living.

4. Continue to read, learn and educate yourself on ways to pursue healthy living.

Knowledge is the key to success! Knowledge is power! Equip yourself with the tools needed to supplement your health goals. Examples include: healthy recipes, online health groups, vision boards, motivating images, scriptures, meditation, research articles, quotes and memes and etc

Lastly, just remember to take each day a step at a time, trust me, you will reap the rewards!

Published by Lakisha Brandon, ND, CNS

Dr. Brandon is a Licensed Naturopathic Doctor, Certified Nutrition Specialist, Registered Health Coach and Motivational Speaker in Raleigh NC and surrounding areas.

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