Is a Ketogenic Diet Safe?

Diabetic Ketoacidosis vs Nutritional Ketosis Diabetic Ketoacidosis is a very dangerous condition in which you have both hyperglycemia (high blood sugars >250mg/dl) AND elevated urinary ketone readings (>10mmol). This is usually not a concern with the keto diet, because one of the main benefits of the keto diet is that your blood sugars will startContinue reading "Is a Ketogenic Diet Safe?"

Part 1: Introduction to Ketosis

What does a Ketogenic diet mean? What does it mean to you when someone tells you that they are on a Ketogenic diet? How do you picture their way of eating? Many people’s first impressions are that it is an “all you can eat” diet extremely high in saturated fat, pork bacon, red meat, deliContinue reading "Part 1: Introduction to Ketosis"

Find your health roadblocks

Healthy living is a task that many attempt to master. It’s not a perfect lifestyle, nor will it ever be. Many tend to succumb to the temptations of things that are generally deemed as unhealthy (ex. sugar, refined/processed grains, alcohol,  negative thoughts and actions and etc). The point is that no matter where you areContinue reading "Find your health roadblocks"

Self Care Sunday Awareness

Don’t forget to practice #selfcare this Sunday before you have to mentally prepare yourself for another work week. Why self care? Because often times we spend so much time, mental energy and physical energy getting ready for work, doing the work and making sure that we have everything prepared for at home. Ladies....I know youContinue reading "Self Care Sunday Awareness"

5- Steps to Developing a SMARTER Plan to Meet Your Goals

“People are the undisputed experts on themselves. No one has been with them longer, or knows them better than they do themselves. In MI, the helper is a companion who typically does less than half of the talking.” ―William R Miller, Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change Step 1: Find your what! What is your purpose? WhatContinue reading "5- Steps to Developing a SMARTER Plan to Meet Your Goals"

Low Carb Turmeric Cauliflower Rice

Cauliflower rice is quite a staple for those on a low carb or ketogenic diet and for those who want to find simple ways to eat more servings of veggies. It's also a great way to trick your kids into eating more veggies but you have to know how to prepare it right! Sometimes findingContinue reading "Low Carb Turmeric Cauliflower Rice"

How Much Sugar Are You Consuming?

Sugar is one of the leading sources of inflammation in the body. It contributes largely to cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, accumulation of visceral fat (belly fat), acne, fatigue, anxiety, joint pain, headaches, brain-fog, insomnia, chronic yeast infections, insulin resistance and impaired insulin sensitivity, Alzheimer's, unregulated tumor growth, chronic infections such asContinue reading "How Much Sugar Are You Consuming?"

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